Our Bishop’s Castle Wind Turbine application is now live!
Our Bishop’s Castle wind turbine application is now live on Shropshire Council’s portal. The turbine is an essential part of the Bishop’s Castle heat & wind project, each unit of energy out of the wind will be turned into two or three units of heat replacing oil boilers! This is one of the first new wind turbine applications in England since the planning guidance was changed, and it may well be the first. Messages of support are most welcome.. see https:/pa.shropshire.gov/online-applications ref 25/00177/FUL. The consultation runs to Feb 21st.
Twemlows Litter Pick & hedgerow maintenance Sat 30th Nov 11-1
We’re holding a second litter pick session along with some hedgerow maintenance work on Sat Nov 30th. SY13 2HA, (just off A41 south of Prees Heath roundabout). Please join us and hear more about our plans for the solar farm and other projects.
If you’re interested in joining us please email info@stcenergy.org.uk so we can get a feel for numbers, thankyou. We hope to have lunch together afterwards.
The rest of our November newsletter is here https://stcenergy.org.uk/newsletter/
A Huge Boost for Community Energy – Are We Ready?
The new Government has promised ‘the biggest expansion in Community Energy in British history’. GB Energy is poised to offer finance to Local Authorities and low interest loans to community-based energy schemes. This is very exciting, but the question is – are we ready for this? STCE is in a strong position with the ownership of Twemlows and the income it generates, at our last AGM we had a good turnout with 16 people and we had 12 attend our litter pick in July. However, the five existing Directors are fully engaged keeping the society going, including managing Twemlows and the grant funds for the Bishop’s Castle project plus helping to run Community Energy Together. We could really do with some added input to take advantage of new opportunities arising, please fill in our short survey here.. here
ps our full Sept 24 newsletter is available here
Twemlows site Litter Pick 28/7/24 11am
We are organising a site litter pick at Twemlows on 28th July in partnership with Shrewsbury Friends of the Earth.
Meet at the site, SY13 2HA (just off A41 south of Prees heath roundabout) at 11am, bring good gloves if you have them, we’ll be providing litter pickers, some gloves and bags. Bring a flask and lunch.
After litter picking STCE directors will explain how the site and the society work and what plans we have for improving biodiversity on the site. We look forward to seeing you there.
STCE Update Mar 2023
Our Share Offer is Imminent
After three years of work we are finally nearly ready to launch our share offer for the Twemlows solar farm. We are working towards a share offer launch of summer 2023 . We’ll be looking to raise at least £730,000 with a favourable interest rate and we’ll be publicising the Share Offer Document as soon as it’s ready. Please sign up for our Newsletter list if you haven’t done so already.
STCE Update May 2022
STCE are pleased to welcome Kevin Oubridge as the new Shropshire & Telford Big Solar Co-ordinator. We look forward to working with Kevin on delivering rooftop solar sites across the area.
We can confirm that STCE is now fully constituted (FCA Registration 8829) and we have our own bank account with Unity Trust Bank.
Update Oct 21
STCE Update Oct 2021 Community Benefit Fund.
Deadline extended to Wed 17th am..
STCE have been asked to distribute £20k of Community Benefit Fund money from the Twemlows Solar Farm.
£10k of this is available to community projects within 15 miles of the site at Prees Heath. This money will be distributed by the Shropshire Rural Communities Charity, see https://www.shropshire-rcc.org.uk/.
The other £10k is available for environmental projects around Shropshire and Telford. There is a maximum of £5k per project, organisations need to be fully constituted with a bank account and any expenditure already committed is not eligible. For the full criteria and application form please email info@stcenergy.org.uk. The deadline for applications is Nov 17th am and decisions should be announced by Nov 29th.
Marches Energy Agency have completed their very useful work on the scale of renewables required in the Marches to meet the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) targets. We’ll post a copy on this website soon.
The Bishop’s Castle Heat & Wind project run by Sharenergy has moved forward very quickly. A wind constraints study has been completed and a survey and public meeting have been held. The meeting was very well attended and 122 survey responses have been received. There is very strong support both the heat network (82%) and the wind turbine (79%). A request has been sent to the Town Council for both the heat network and the wind turbine to be included in the town’s Neighbourhood Plan. See www.lightfootenterprises.org.
Both of these pieces of work have been funded through the grant STCE have received from Next Generation. see https://www.next-generation.org.uk/
Meanwhile discussions re the purchase of Twemlows Solar Farm continue slowly. We expect to know more early in 2022 with a share offer possibly after Easter 2022.
STCE Update July 2021
STCE are still hoping to purchase Twemlows solar farm but the process of arranging the transfer of the portfolio of sites currently owned by CoRE into community ownership is taking much longer than anyone expected. We hope to have news on progress in early September.
Meanwhile Power to Change have approved a Next Generation grant for STCE. This includes money for setting up a Community Benefit Society, running a share offer and investigating ways of improving the biodiversity of the Twemlows site.
Money is also available for feasibility studies for other community renewable schemes in Shropshire and Telford and Sharenergy have been contracted to carry out this work. The most promising project at the moment is for a heat network and wind turbine combination in Bishop’s Castle, but we are also looking at other schemes.
Marches Energy Agency (MEA) have also been funded to look into the scale of renewables needed in Shropshire and Telford to meet net Zero targets, a report on this will be issued shortly. MEA are also carrying out some work on energy efficiency and community networks.
STCE have also been asked to arrange for the distribution of £20k of Community Benefit funds from Twemlows. £10k of this is set aside for community projects local to Whitchurch, this money will be managed by the Rural Communities Charity. The other £10k is available for environmental projects across the whole of Shropshire and Telford, please get in touch if you would like to apply for some of this money.
News Dec 2020