A Huge Boost for Community Energy – Are We Ready?

The new Government has promised ‘the biggest expansion in Community Energy in British history’.  GB Energy is poised to offer finance to Local Authorities and low interest loans to community-based energy schemes.  This is very exciting, but the question is – are we ready for this?  STCE is in a strong position with the ownership of Twemlows and the income it generates, at our last AGM we had a good turnout with 16 people and we had 12 attend our litter pick in July.  However, the five existing Directors are fully engaged keeping the society going, including managing Twemlows and the grant funds for the Bishop’s Castle project plus helping to run Community Energy Together.  We could really do with some added input to take advantage of new opportunities arising, please fill in our short survey here.. here

ps our full Sept 24 newsletter is available here