The Community Benefits from the Twemlows solar farm are a key part of the case for investment in the STCE share offers.
In Spring 2024 we had a further £25,000 to distribute.
We have recently awarded £16,000 from the Twemlows Community Benefit Fund. This is going to,
1, Rushbury Village Hall, solar PV panels
2, Ditton Priors Village Hall, insulation
3, Little Wenlock Village Hall, induction cooker
We have also earmarked some funds for the Orbit, Wellington, details of how it is to be spent to be agreed.
We expect to be issuing a similar amount early 2025.
The other £9,000 is managed by Community Resource and is for a wide range of projects within 15 miles of Prees, with a limit of £1,000 per claim. see
This is the third year we’ve been involved with the Twemlows Community Funds. Local projects funded to date include allotments, community orchard and the Blackberry fair. Carbon saving funded projects include village hall PV panels, energy efficiency work, rain water harvesting, new lighting and energy advice. For full details see the report below or our beneficiaries page,
Howard Betts, STCE Director, with members of the Rushbury Village Hall committee and their new windows, part funded by STCE.